Welcome to the ElectronX website, a site focused on sharing knowledge and interest in all things related to electricity, electronic circuits, electronic systems and Electrical Engineering. In the Education section you will find articles discussing electrical and electronic theory as well as links to all of the fantastic “Socratic Electronics” worksheets created by Tony Kuphaldt. The Videos page is still a work in progress where I am trying to curate all of the videos from my ElectronX YouTube channel. If you have some design work that you need help with, I am often available to do some consulting work. You can find out more of what I do in the Contact section.

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My name is David Williams.  I am an instructor in the Okanagan College Electronic Engineering Technology program and have been since the fall of 2006.  Before that I worked as an electronic/computer engineer designing embedded systems, circuits and software at PMC-Sierra, then Smart Technologies, then ESS Technology.  I love building “interesting electronic systems that do cool things” but I love teaching others how to do this even more.  With this website,  I want to bring some of the cool and interesting electronic circuits that I and my students have designed and built to a wider audience.  At the same time, I would like to show how you can take an interest in electronics and turn it in to an interesting and rewarding career or hobby.

I also believe that engineers and technologists have a responsibility to apply their skills to make the world a better place, in fact this is a part of the code of ethics for both engineers and technologists.  For example, in the code of ethics for the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC), the first point is to “Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public, the protection of the environment and promote health and safety within the workplace”.  This means I must use my engineering powers for good and not evil.  With my skill set and occupation, one way that I can do this is to teach the concepts of energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy to anyone who will listen.

About the Electronic Projects

As we (I and my students) complete projects either as part of a course or as extracurricular activities, I’ll post as much info about them as possible. Some examples of projects include the following:

  • Final projects designed and built by the graduating second year class
  • Extracurricular projects such as a version of the Beatbearing Sequencer
  • Mini-projects done in class such as the Weird Sound Generator.

I hope the projects and knowledge I share here helps you, or inspires you to learn more about electronics and electrical engineering.